Hi I'm Fluffy!

About website

This is my personal page. The first such project that I will not abandon too quickly.. hehe.. :3

About me

You may know me, that's great! If not, I will gladly tell you.
I am Fluff, I have been on the internet since 2015.
I made a strong publicity about me in 2018-21 when I set up twitter, discord and pony.town account.
I was quite unethical and childish then, which influenced many factors and things and people, mainly friends.
Somehow in 2021 I became interested in what would happen if I wanted to have my digital life without google and other corporate services.
It turned out that many articles terrified me and caused me paranoia xD
It was enough to be interested in what I can do more than just sit in front of a computer and play games.
I abandoned a lot of social media sites, I learned quite a lot, I explored a large part of deep web, darkweb and created my own pages..

Now on the internet I am under different nicknames and I love it very much..
Can you guess that I'm spending time with you and writing messages right now? xD

Below is a list of how you can contact me, you can boop me any time!

Mail - cornflower at sergal.de | quartz at danwin1210.de | brimstone at nigge.rs
IRC - pastel on irc.canternet.org
XMPP - bwah at lightwo.net | fluffy at unix.dog
Matrix - @fluffypastel:filly.chat | @balloons:filly.chat

Have a good day~!